Marlin Mobile Apps

Speedier Mobile Web Speed Test 1.2.1
Marlin Mobile
Speedier helps you answer the age oldquestion.“How fast are my favorite mobile websites?” Built arounda real webbrowser, Speedier uses it to measure the page speed,page weight,and http requests for any mobile web URL you enter. Italso displaysa waterfall chart showing all the timings from pageelements loadedinside the website. This is a perfect tool tooptimize, design, qaand test the performance of any mobile webexperience you choose.How fast is fast?Speedier grades mobile websites using data from theSpeedierperformance benchmark. Is your mobile performance good,fair, orjust unacceptable? Speedier will tell you.Speedier is also a crowd sourced performance community.EverySpeedier user helps the community by contributing performancedatapoints to the overall benchmark. The overall benchmark isaaggregate of URLs tested on your phone and from other devicesinthe community. The more Speedier users we get, the more wecanrefine the benchmark based on different devices, geo-location,andeven carriers.You can help make mobile websites faster!Features:• Page load time from any URL you enter (How fast is it?)• Page weight (How heavy is it?)• Http requests (The more the slower)• Waterfall charts (What is loaded inside the page)• Saves all of your test results by date, time, network, andpageload time• Tests using Https and cookies